As per County Govt Act 2012 Sec 59
- Establish and abolish offices in the county public service
- Appoint persons to hold and to act in offices in the county public service including confirming appointments
- Exercise disciplinary control over staff in the county public service
- Prepare regular reports for submission to the county assembly on the execution of its functions
- Promote ethical standards in the 0perations of the county public service
- Develop a coherent ,intergrated HR planning and budgeting for personnel emoluments in the county
- Advise on the implementation and monitoring of performance management system
- Make recommendations to SRC
- Inform and educate county public officers and the public about the values and principles;
- Recommend to the county government effective measures to promote the values and principles;
- Assist county government in the formulation and implementation of programmes intended to inculcate in public officers the duty to uphold the values and principles;
- Advise the county governments on their obligations under international treaties and conventions on good governance in the county public service;
- Visit any county public office or body with a view to assessing and inspecting the status of compliance with the values and principles;
- Investigate, on its own initiative or upon a complaint made by any person or group of persons, the violation of any values and principles;
- Recommend to the relevant lawful authority, any necessary action in view of the violation of the values and principles by any person or public body;
- Cooperate with other institutions working in the field of good governance in the public service
- Perform any other functions as the Board considers necessary for the promotion of the values and principles